Solving Duplicate Content Issues for Better Ecommerce SEO

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Running an online store? Winning the SEO race can make all the difference. But there’s one tricky obstacle you might be overlooking: duplicate content.

Think of duplicate content as text blocks that appear in more than one place on the web. It might happen on your website, or the same content could show up on different sites.

Why does this matter to you? When search engines find duplicate content, they struggle to pick which version to rank higher in search results. This could push your content down the list. Also, the power of your content to attract visibility weakens because it’s duplicated.

In this blog post, you’ll get a clear picture of duplicate content and its role in SEO for your online store. You’ll understand what causes duplicate content, how it can affect your SEO, and how to fix and prevent these issues. If you’re a seasoned online store owner, just starting out, or simply keen on SEO, you’ll find this information extremely valuable.

Understanding Duplicate Content and Its Impact on SEO

‘Copy and paste’ may seem like a time-saver when you’re setting up your online store. You might think, why not use the same product description for similar items or borrow some text that’s already been written? But hold on, this can lead to something called ‘duplicate content’.

Duplicate content happens when the same or very similar text appears in more than one place online. Imagine a game of ‘spot the difference’ where there’s hardly any difference to spot. That’s how search engines see duplicate content, and quite frankly, they’re not fans of the game.

When search engines, like Google, come across two or more similar pieces of content, they get confused. They wonder, “Which one is more relevant?” “Which one should I show in search results?” This confusion can make all your similar content pieces appear lower in search rankings.

That’s not all. When your content is duplicated, its ability to rank well is split between the duplicates. It’s like running a race with a parachute; it slows you down, making it harder to reach top rankings.

In the next sections, we’ll uncover how to spot duplicate content on your website, address it, and most importantly, prevent it from happening in the future. Stay with me; you’ll find the insights quite enlightening.

Common Sources of Duplicate Content in Ecommerce

Duplicate content can sneak into your online store in several ways, often without you even noticing. Here are a few common sources:

  • Product Descriptions from Manufacturers: If you use the same product descriptions provided by manufacturers on your website, chances are several other online stores are doing the same.
  • Similar Products with Slight Variations: If you’re selling products that are nearly identical but have slight differences (like a t-shirt in different colors), you might be tempted to use the same product descriptions. This, however, can cause duplicate content issues.
  • HTTP vs HTTPS and WWW vs Non-WWW Pages: These technical aspects can create copies of the same page under different URLs without you realizing it.
  • Session IDs and Tracking Parameters in URL: Sometimes, your website might generate different URLs for the same page based on user sessions or tracking parameters. These could be seen as duplicate content by search engines.

Understanding these common sources can help you spot potential duplicate content issues on your own site, saving you a lot of headaches down the line. Keep reading to discover how to find and fix these issues.

How to Find Duplicate Content on Your Ecommerce Site

Finding duplicate content might seem like finding a needle in a haystack, but don’t worry – there are some easy ways to do it.

First, you can use SEO tools that have been designed specifically for this job. There are lots of these tools out there, but two of the best ones are Ahrefs and SEMrush. They can crawl your site and point you right to the duplicate content.

Another way to find duplicate content is to do manual checks. This can be time-consuming, but it can be effective, especially if your online store isn’t huge. Look at your product descriptions and other text on your site, keeping an eye out for repetitions.

Don’t forget to check your URLs too. Sometimes, different URLs can lead to the same page, which creates duplicate content. Also, check for HTTP and HTTPS versions of your site as well as www and non-www versions. These are all different URLs to search engines and can create duplicate content if they show the same thing.

In the next section, we’ll go over some strategies on how to resolve duplicate content issues. Don’t worry – there’s always a way to fix these issues and get your SEO back on track!

Strategies for Resolving Duplicate Content Issues

When it comes to tackling duplicate content issues, the key is to be proactive and systematic. Here are some strategies you can adopt:

  • Rewrite and Personalize Product Descriptions: This might take more time, but it’s worth the effort. By creating unique descriptions, you eliminate internal duplication and offer a better user experience.
  • Use 301 Redirects: If you find multiple pages with similar content, pick the one you want to keep and redirect the rest to it. This tells search engines which version you prefer.
  • Implement Canonical Tags: Canonical tags signal to search engines which version of a page you want to be considered as the ‘main’. Use them when 301 redirects are not suitable.
  • Utilize the Parameter Handling Tool in Google Search Console: If your site generates multiple URLs leading to the same content based on user sessions or tracking parameters, this tool can help by telling Google how to handle these parameters.
  • Properly Optimize Product Variations: If you sell products with small variations (like size or color), make sure each has a unique URL and clear, unique content.

It takes patience and consistency to fix duplicate content issues. But with time, clean and unique content will boost your SEO and set you apart from competitors. Next, we’ll discuss how to prevent future issues.

Creating a System to Prevent Future Duplicate Content

Preventing duplicate content from appearing on your site in the first place is the ultimate goal. And to achieve this, you need a consistent system. Here are some steps to consider:

  • Consistency is Key: Make sure you and your team are on the same page when it comes to creating content. Having guidelines can help ensure the content across your site is unique and provides value to your customers.
  • Develop a Checklist for Content Creation: A checklist acts as a roadmap guiding your content creation process. It should include crucial steps such as verifying uniqueness, reviewing SEO optimization, and confirming it provides user value.
  • Perform Regular Content Audits: Regular reviews of your site’s content can catch duplicate content early. Make it a routine to check your site for duplicates using SEO tools or manual reviews.

Remember, prevention is better than cure. A solid system for content creation and review can help ensure your site remains free from duplicate content. Next up, we’ll explore a success story of overcoming duplicate content issues.

Case Study: Success Story of Overcoming Duplicate Content

As a dedicated SEO agency, we pride ourselves on delivering the best solutions for our clients. One of our success stories revolves around an ecommerce client who was struggling with duplicate content issues.

This client came to us with an issue: despite having a wide range of products and a seemingly well-optimized site, their online store was not performing well in search engine rankings. Upon analyzing their site, we found the culprit was duplicate content. They had been using manufacturer-provided product descriptions which were identical to those on several other sites.

Committed to turning their SEO performance around, we mapped out a comprehensive plan. We began by rewriting all product descriptions, ensuring uniqueness and value in each. We also advised our client on establishing a well-structured content creation system. This system included a detailed checklist and encouraged regular content audits to prevent duplicate content from creeping back in.

The results were transformative. Our client’s search engine rankings significantly improved, driving more organic traffic to their online store. Furthermore, their customers appreciated the unique, informative product descriptions which enhanced user experience on the site.

Our experience with this client underscores the importance of tackling duplicate content. It’s a reminder that vigilance and consistency pay off when it comes to maintaining a healthy, SEO-friendly ecommerce site.


Duplicate content…it’s a bigger deal than you might have thought, right? But, now you’ve got a good grip on what it is, why it matters, and how to handle it. It’s all about making sure each piece of content on your site is unique and valuable.

Avoid the quick ‘copy and paste’ approach when setting up your online store. Yes, coming up with unique content takes more time, but trust me, it’s worth it. You’re not just playing nice with search engine rules; you’re also making a better experience for your customers.

Keep checking your site for duplicate content. Make it a regular thing, like checking your sales or customer reviews. Consistency is your friend here.

Resolving duplicate content is no small feat. It takes effort, time, and a good eye for detail. But remember, this isn’t just another task on your to-do list. It’s a major step in boosting the SEO of your online store, driving more traffic your way, and getting those sales numbers up.

We’ve seen first-hand how dealing with duplicate content can make a big difference in an online store’s success. We strongly suggest you take this seriously. Don’t let duplicate content slow you down in the SEO race.

We hope this blog post has given you some solid tips to deal with duplicate content. But remember, we’re always here if you need some extra help.

We can help optimize your website, create unique content, and even do thorough SEO audits. Our team at Ranklift knows the ins and outs of SEO. We have the tools and the passion to help boost your online store’s performance.

Don’t let duplicate content hold you back. Get in touch with us at Ranklift, and we’ll tackle this SEO challenge together!

Picture of Written by, Dev

Written by, Dev

Himanshu Rao is a SEO expert and co-founder of Ranklift, A SEO agency based in India. He is an authority on content and technical SEO optimization strategies. Himanshu oversees Ranklift's client work and stays up to date on industry trends.

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