Technical SEO

Confused about Website’s Technical Stuff? Leave it to us!

Is your website not appearing in search engines? do your customers leave website because it takes ages to load? Nearly 70% of users don’t buy from website that are slow. Technical SEO is a process of optimization of website’s structure, loading speed, making website mobile friendly, and improving user experience.
At RankLift, we take care of the technical seo process for you by optimizing various aspects of your website so you can focus on what you do best, that is selling! and growin g your business!



Our Process

Site Health Audit

First our SEO detectives analyze your website to find the culprits that are effecting your website performance on various technical benchmarks

On-Site Optimization

In this step, we improve onsite SEO issues of your website that our SEO detectives have found, such as broken website links, missing meta tags and much more.

Speed and Mobile Optimization

As you know, everyone now uses smartphones for shopping and browsing the internet, we don’t want you to miss out on customers, Our Team optimizes your website user experience on mobile devices.

Monitoring and Maintenance

As seasons changes as time passes, so Technical SEO, we monitor the changes in the tech world, and maintain your website to the latest technical standards.

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